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Feb 16, 2016

No matter the industry, a company’s culture is vital to its image and perhaps more importantly, its survival.  Upper managers and department managers alike must constantly work hard to create an atmosphere that makes people never want to go on another job interview, or perhaps, in extreme cases, get a tattoo of the company logo on their body. Below are some timeless approaches to creating a business culture that “rocks,” as author and past Credit Congress keynote speaker, Jim Knight, put it.

Celebrate heritage, but focus on culture—today’s behaviors

A company’s culture shapes so much of their performance now and in the future. However, it is critical to focus on today’s behaviors, not yesterday’s habits.

Be like U2—everyone singing off the same sheet of music

Staff at every level of a company or department—no matter if they are the president or maintenance staff—needs to have a shared mindset. If the staff is not on the same page, harmony will not exist.

Create/embody a customer-obsessed purpose to the business

When marketing to customers, it is important to make the experience personal. While so much factors into the company’s internal environment—such as its mission, beliefs, and procedures—the customer’s experience is typically brief. Create a mission statement that focuses on the customer.

Great service trumps product, price, and convenience every time

When something good happens, a customer remembers it. Product is no longer enough, and an uplifting experience is vital to not only creating a positive culture, but to also inspiring return patronage.

People crave differentiation—deliver personalized experience

Through personalized attention, develop an emotional attachment with the customer. Employees need to be authentic in their customer obsession. Behave as if you work in “the memory-making business.”

To avoid four-letter words—be the chocolate

When it comes to overall experience, hearing words such as “fine” and “good” scream of mediocrity. Vanilla is tasty, but people need chocolate and some flavor in their life.

You need rock stars (not lip-synchers) to amp up the band

It is essential that everyone at the company demonstrates competence, if not excellence, as well as strong character to represent the culture. Experience and tenure are no longer enough.

Bring the flame thrower everyday—and light it up

Every employee has the power to light or extinguish the cultural flame of the company. Bring a positive attitude into the company every day.

Position your business to be tattoo-worthy

Create a cultural atmosphere that is so positive and inviting that it inspires belief and loyalty from both customers and employees. There are examples, albeit rare, out there of employees getting a company’s logo tattooed on their body, literally.

Source: Jim Knight, author of “Culture that Rocks: How to Revolutionize Your Company’s Culture” and keynote presenter during NACM’s 119th Credit Congress in St. Louis

Interested in attending this years Credit Congress? Its not too late to register for a great educational and networking experience. This years conference is being held in Las Vegas! 


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