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Jul 21, 2022

To say most people’s plates are full is likely an understatement. The reality is today’s living requires attention and efforts be divided between demanding jobs, essential caregiving, social gatherings, and perhaps even fulfilling political and community engagements. This is a full schedule even before fitting in hobbies, outdoor fun, or other creative endeavors. A recent article I read quoted Pew Research Center surveys, saying 60 percent of adults said they were often too busy to enjoy life. Busy-ness unsurprisingly, intensifies once you have kids: 74 percent of parents with children under the age of 18 reported being too busy to enjoy life’s pleasures. I can confess to the fact it is difficult to ‘stop and smell the roses’ in life with family and career demands.

I seem to be in reflection mode as I prepare my two recent high school graduates for college starting this next month. Did I provide them enough guidance while creating good family values and teaching them to jump on the hustle culture our society has adopted? Will they pick up the blind ambition in their career journey to continue to push for excellence? What I definitely know is I’ve drilled into our kids like a military Sargent, “never stop focusing on yourself and your personal growth”. So, in the next 30 days we will be sending them off on their journey and I hear somehow magically we will find new time for ourselves as empty nesters – I’m anxious, excited, and even nervous at the thought of it.

My first stop is San Diego in September where I will continue to wave my flag of ‘never stop focusing on yourself’, as I attend NACM’s Western Credit Conference. I can’t wait to reconnect with many of you, refreshing my mind with credit topics, and renewing my energy level to continue my hustle. If you haven’t attempted all this rejuvenation before, you’re missing out! Credit professionals need renewed energy too, so I encourage you to get your hustle on and get registered! Visit to learn more.

Jennifer L. Walsh, CCE
NACM Commercial Services

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