Nov 30, 2023
I’d like to give a sincere Thank You to those members who participated in NACM’s Membership Survey a few months back. There was so much good information that came out of this project. We have a leadership team organized and working with a consulting partner, XYZ University. We are focused on analyzing the data and looking ahead reimaging value for our membership. It is an exciting time, and I invite you to follow along for updates and/or announcements of new and additional value for this premier credit community. We are currently looking for members who can give a couple of hours over the next six weeks to assist in strategic talks and planning for 2024. If you’re reading this and want to be a part of exciting change, please respond to me here, and I will gladly add you to the invite(s).
In November, we gathered the NACM CS board members for a lively and entertaining board retreat. It is commendable to watch the collaboration and focus as the board works together for the greater good of the credit profession. The board is forward-visioned on what NACM will look like in 5 years, 10 years, and beyond. We enjoyed a professional facilitator who guided the board through a series of exercises to ultimately produce four progressive areas of focus for the next couple of years. Over the next several months, we will be doubling down on efforts to bring even more value to your membership. It’s a time of visionary innovation for NACM, and we’re excited about it! For those who participated in the membership survey earlier this year, we heard you and are forging ahead!
As we approach the holiday season, I extend my warmest greetings to each one of you. Our association has always thrived on the spirit of collaboration and support, and your dedication and passion to our association has been instrumental in achieving shared goals. Together, let us enter the new year with optimism and a sense of purpose, ready to face the challenges and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. NACM Commercial Services is your credit partner and is here to assist with your daily work. From the staff here, we wish you a joyful holiday season filled with warmth and happiness.
I’ll share a few pictures of the Board of Directors breaking from their work for a lively Martini Mix-off competition!
Jennifer Walsh, CCE