Mar 9, 2017

Often times our customers tell us they were not aware we offered a particular service. Each issue of the Business Credit Journal we will highlight a service to keep you informed of what is available through your association, NACM Northwest.
This issue, we are highlighting Dun & Bradstreet. D&B is one of the leading sources of commercial information and insight on businesses. Their global database contains more than 267 million business records. Credit reports offered provide the insight you need to evaluate a firm’s operations, profitability, and stability.
Using credit reports will help you:
- Make daily credit decisions
- Limit your risk exposure
- Determine the stability of new or existing customers
- Plan for sales calls
- Find out about changes that can impact credit relationships
- Evaluate potential vendors and suppliers
- Check the background of new clients
- Identify corporate relationships and potential conflicts of interest
- Provide business details for research needs
Below are two report options:
BIR – Business Information Report
The Business Information Report (BIR) from Dun & Bradstreet is a generic representation of business information. Use the Business Information Report to give you the insight you need to evaluate a firm’s operations, profitability, and stability. Also use it to evaluate the experience of the business and business background of its principals. Each report is packed with information, analysis, and interpretations to enhance your decision-making process. Information includes payment records, financial information, banking information, business background of principals, and a description of the firm’s operation.
Comprehensive Report
Dun & Bradstreet’s Comprehensive Report is their most complete and powerful report for risk assessment. It will help provide an in-depth evaluation of a company’s short-and-long term financial stability and creditworthiness. Gives the insight you need to evaluate current and new relationships with prospects, customers, suppliers, and partners. It is an interactive representation of the Business Information Report. This report combines the background, payments and financial information from the business information. Each report is packed with information, charts, graphs, analysis, and interpretations to enhance your decision-making process. Information includes payment records, financial information, banking information, business background of principals, and a description of the firm’s operation.