Mar 19, 2018

Posted by & filed under Experian.

By: Experian – Linda Tan

So you’ve created the perfect campaign with great creatives and an unbeatable offer. You deploy the

campaign and sit on the edge of your seat waiting for all the leads to flood in. After a couple of days, you notice a couple of responses but nowhere near the volume of what you were hoping for, and you’re stuck asking yourself “why?” Here are a couple of hypotheses: 1.) the people you reached out to aren’t the right audience so they don’t care about your offer, or 2.) your target audience didn’t see your efforts because you used the wrong channel. The cost of acquiring new customers can be expensive and sometimes unpredictable, but it doesn’t have to be.… Read the rest

Mar 19, 2018

Posted by & filed under Data Contribution.

By: Shannon Abnal, NACM Commercial Services

I’ve been coordinating the Data Contribution Program at NACM Commercial Services for over twenty years. That means two things. First, I’m old. And second, I’ve learned a thing or two about data contribution and how to help NACM members participate. Whatever obstacles are stopping your firm from sharing credit experience with the credit community, I’ve probably helped other members face the same challenges before and would welcome the opportunity to help your firm participate.

Here are some of the top questions or concerns I hear from members about data sharing:

Contributing takes a lot of time. Most members find data sharing takes just a few minutes per month once they are set up and running.… Read the rest

Feb 20, 2018

Posted by & filed under Rainmakers Government Strategies.

Today the Office of Economic Analysis presented its third economic and revenue forecasts of the 2017-2019 biennium. Oregon’s economy continues to grow. However, Oregon’s overall growth is slowing with the loss of nearly 9,300 jobs and personal income down nearly a half billion from the December forecast.  This forecast is one that is marked with a great deal of uncertainty – made all the more difficult because the market correction that took place last week. The other primary driver of the uncertainty is due to the federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) that was recently passed by Congress. Specifically, it is difficult to predict the behavior of individuals and corporations based on their accountant’s advice. For example, it is difficult to predict what corporations who repatriate their offshore savings will do, whether they will reinvest that money, buy back stock, hand out large dividends and so on.… Read the rest

Jan 12, 2018

Posted by & filed under Cannabis, Legal.

By: Victor J. Roehm, Sussman Shank LLP – Partner, Banking and Finance Group Chair

Republished with permission from Sussman Shank

In a Memorandum to all attorneys in the Department of Justice dated Thursday, January 4th, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded all prior guidance related to the enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act with respect to marijuana-related activities.  This guidance included what is often referred to as the “Cole Memorandum,” a memorandum from Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole for all United States Attorneys on the subject of Guidance Regarding Marijuana Enforcement dated August 29, 2013.

Doing Business with those involved in the Cannabis Industry
While the Cole Memorandum did not have the same effect as a law or regulation, it was generally relied upon by those in the cannabis industry, and those who did business with those in the cannabis industry, for comfort that their activities would not result in Federal prosecution and/or civil and criminal forfeiture of their property. … Read the rest

Jan 8, 2018

Posted by & filed under Economics.

By: Mark Zandi, Chief Economist, Moody’s Analytics
Republished with permission from Credit Research Foundation


  • The pace of growth remains firmly above the economy’s potential.
  • Consumers have been the strongest and most consistent source of growth in the current economic expansion.
  • The increase in household wealth has been stunning as stock and house prices have surged.
  • With the Fed now winding down its quantitative easing and the prospects for higher interest rates, risks are rising that asset prices will come under pressure, and the wealth effect fades.

The U.S. expansion continues to power forward. Abstracting from the near-term ups and downs in the data, real GDP growth remains just above 2% and job growth at over 2 million per year.… Read the rest

Jan 8, 2018

Posted by & filed under President's Message.

Happy New Year from NACM Commercial Services! I trust you are beginning the new year with positive energy and a productive mind to bring the most value to your credit department and ultimately your whole company. Carve out time to focus on yourself, appreciate small good moments, and stop and be grateful for those around you. In your workplace be a visionary creating a culture of collaboration with others. You may even develop a relationship with your sale department. Positive energy really is contagious!

Have you ever experienced a major change within your organization? Change is a funny creature; it creates so many emotions that come out at the most unexpected times. I’m always intrigued how individuals manage the emotions of an announced change.… Read the rest