Sep 19, 2019

Posted by & filed under Business Credit Journal, International Business.

By: Jane Hay, Vice President, U.S. Bank Published: April 05, 2018

The global market is always changing, with new opportunities and challenges arising every day. Here are several of the major risk factors in international trade to consider.

In the world of global trade, even the best-laid plans can go awry.

I talk with clients every day about the inherent risks of international trade, ranging from preventable errors to unforeseen geopolitical events. For companies looking to expand internationally, being aware of these risks can help minimize the risk of loss and damages.

Here are several key risk factors to keep top of mind:

  1. Commercial risk

    What is commercial risk?

    A sale isn’t a sale until you get paid.
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Sep 19, 2019

Posted by & filed under Bankruptcy, Credit.

Did you know we have more resources like this on our website under our Credit Resources? We are always finding new things to add to this page including this Bankruptcy Checklist that was just updated and added with help from Rod Wheeland, CCE and NACM CS.

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Jul 16, 2019

Posted by & filed under Bankruptcy, Collections, Credit.

Written By: Leah Eisenberg, of counsel, Foley & Lardner LLP

Loans and other debts generally fall under two categories: unsecured debt and secured debt. As will be discussed below, there is a significant divide when it comes to the treatment of a secured creditor versus an unsecured creditor in a bankruptcy proceeding.

Unsecured debt has no collateral or security to back the debt upon default or non-payment. Thus, upon a borrower’s default, the lender/creditor must commence a lawsuit against the borrower to collect on any outstanding amounts owed. Unsecured debt is generally issued based upon the borrower’s reliability, credit history and creditworthiness and contractual promise to repay the debt. Examples of unsecured debt include unsecured lines of credit, an unsecured bond and credit card debt.… Read the rest

Jul 16, 2019

Posted by & filed under Economics.

Written by: Scott Hoyt, Senior Director, Moody’s Analytics

The U.S. economy is growing below its potential. Real GDP growth in the second quarter will probably come in close to 1.5%, while the economy’s current potential is estimated to be between 2.0-2.5%. If growth does not pick-up soon, job growth, which has already moderated significantly from this time last year, will throttle back further and unemployment will begin to increase.

Behind the growth slowdown is fading fiscal stimulus – the boost provided by last year’s deficit-financed tax cuts have largely played out. More importantly, the trade war with China and a long list of other trading partners have undermined business sentiment, is weighing on business investment decisions, and has even begun to impact hiring.… Read the rest

Jul 16, 2019

Posted by & filed under Credit, Security and Fraud, Technology.

Information Compiled by: Kathy Linscott, NACM Commercial Services
Content from Experian and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

Companies often keep sensitive personal information about customers or employees in their files or on their network. In today’s world, there is more and more fraud reported all the time. We all hold the responsibility of keeping this information safeguarded. I am sure you have heard the saying, “if you collect it, protect it!” Some rules to follow:

  • Have strong privacy policies in place. Review them at least annually.
  • Keep on top of updates for the latest security software, web browser, and operating system to help against viruses and malware. Consider utilizing layers such as a firewall and spam filters.
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Jul 16, 2019

Posted by & filed under Education, Foundation.

Recipient Name
Ashlee Minty, CBA, CCRA — Northwest Natural Gas
Debbie Hinseley — Stainless Cable & Railing
Jeff Butterfield — Pacific Seafood
Jody Johnson — Star Rentals Inc
Lannette Dodson — CO-Energy / Connell Oil
Maria Hoyle, CBA, CICP — Weir ESCO
Tammy Roebke — Norpac Foods Inc
Matthew Wright — SAIF Corporation

Check out the conference website for more details on the conference.

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Jul 16, 2019

Posted by & filed under Leadership, Member Spotlight.

NACM Commercial Services wants to congratulate Brett Hanft, CBA on his new position as CFDD National Chairman. Brett puts in an incredible amount of his time into CFDD and NACM and we want to recognize him for that. We asked one of Bretts many friends, Tawnya Marsh, who has spent a lot of time with Brett at CFDD Portland & NACM event to write a little something about him. Brett is also an incredible writer and no one is better to tell you more about what he has done and will be doing than him.

By Tawnya Marsh, Credit Manager, Pendleton Woolen Mills

When I moved to the Portland area 12 years ago, one of my first contacts at CFDD was Brett Hanft, CBA.… Read the rest