We are excited to share with you the current Experian Commercial Pulse Report.
In this month’s report, you will find:
- Executive Summary
- US Economic Highlights
- US Credit Trends Highlights
- Macroeconomic Overview
- Small Business Impacts
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Mar 17, 2021
We are excited to share with you the current Experian Commercial Pulse Report.
In this month’s report, you will find:
Mar 18, 2021
Creative credit terms are becoming more broadly used in the B2B world. As your resource for all credit matters, here’s to making sure you have exposure to this creativity. Are you familiar with these credit terms?
30 3WD – 30 days, then the 3rd work day. So if the invoice is scheduled to pay on a Sunday for example Sunday January 24th, it wouldn’t actually be released until the third work day after the 24th, so the 27th.
2/10, N30, EOM – EOM stands for end of month. You will receive a 2% discount if you pay your account within the first 10 days of next month with a maximum credit period of 30 days.
2/10, ROM – ROM stands for receipt of goods dating method.… Read the rest
Mar 18, 2021
Congratulations to our newest designation recipients from the latest exam. Are you interested in education and getting a designation? Check out this guide on the certification program. If you have any questions contact Shawna Kelly.
Alaina Worden, CCE, CECO Inc
Shilo Stevens, CBF, Keen Inc
Natalie Gondry, CBA, Ferguson Enterprises LLC – Reno
Jessica Howard, CBA, Malarkey Roofing Products… Read the rest
Mar 17, 2021
Chair Jeff Butterfield has called for the 2021 NACM Commercial Services Foundation Annual Meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 16th at 5:30 pm. via Zoom. All lifetime individual, lifetime corporate, and current annual members are invited to attend. We also welcome and encourage anyone interested in the operations and purpose of the foundation to attend and get involved.
The Foundation gave out multiple scholarships in 2020 despite it being an unprecedented year. We look forward to a successful 2021!
At the Annual Meeting, reports regarding the financial condition of the foundation, results of 2020 operations, scholarship reports, election of board members, and the election of officers will occur.
Please RSVP with Shannon Abnal at sabnal@nacmcs.org… Read the rest
Mar 17, 2021
Frank Sebastian – Account Executive
California Region
Hello! I’m Frank Sebastian and came to NACM-Commercial Services in October ‘20 after taking several months off and previously working for Reebok/Adidas for almost 20 years. I never imagined I would be working for NACM after being a member of several affiliates for 25+ years. Since being here it has been a pleasure reconnecting with familiar credit professionals but also very exciting to meet new credit practitioners as well. I enjoy learning about members/prospects and their companies, then determining how NACM and your organization can best partner.
Personally, I enjoy volunteering for CASA—Court Appointed Special Advocate. I have been doing this for over 5 years. Even though you see a lot of the “bad” in different cases, it is so rewarding when you can assist a child in need or crisis and advocate for them in and out of court.… Read the rest
Mar 17, 2021
How Does Our Integrated Solution Work?
UTA provides the tools, technology, and expertise to help merchants integrate their existing ERP, POS, DMS, or Web Application to offer a frictionless payment processing experience.
Interested In Reducing Your Credit Card Processing Fees?
Simplify your payment acceptance channels and improve your bottom line by taking advantage of UTA and Worldpay’s cost effective Credit Card processing solution.
UTA routes your transactions most efficiently by automatically qualifying your transactions for Level 2, Level 3, and Large Ticket Discounts without the need for additional data entry.
What’s more, we offer a comprehensive and compliant surcharging solution that automatically calculates and applies a transaction fee by qualifying each Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and AMEX payment.… Read the rest
Mar 17, 2021