Written by: Brenda Barnes, Export Manager, Geo. S. Bush & Co., Inc.
Congestion at the seaports is in the news and has been for several months now. Most of what is seen on television are the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. Maybe that is the case because they seem to be in the worst way, with more than 30 ships at anchor waiting for a berth on any given day. Some of these ships at anchor are breakbulk ships, but for the most part, they are container ships. Other congested ports affecting shipping are Oakland, CA; Vancouver, BC; Houston, TX; New York; New Jersey; Savannah, GA; and Norfolk, VA. If you are interested in seeing how many ships are at the terminals and anchored, a good website to use is https://h5.shipfinder.com… Read the rest
May 19, 2021