The NACM’s Portfolio Risk Analysis (PRA) & Account Monitoring System (AMS) platform is free to members who contribute their data. These tools are for NACM members only and are supported nationally across the NACM affiliates by our members and trade groups, constantly updated with new and refreshed data daily to help you be on the pulse of change within your portfolio of customers.
- Export to Excel or Create PDF. Refresh at any time to update score categorization and exposure.
- Use the Interactive Heatmaps to visualize your company’s accounts receivable data exposure nationwide. State-by-state, the heatmaps will show the dollar exposure and the number of accounts. Use your mouse to roll over the states to view the state-by-state summary of your data, or click on the state to see the detailed accounts.
- Compare your Portfolio Performance to your Industry Groups, your Industry, and the overall NACM National Trade Credit Report participants.
- Data Points by State
- The data table shows detailed information about your accounts, including the dollar exposure and number of tradelines on the National Trade Credit Report (NTCR).

- The Account Monitoring System allows you to set the criteria that you want to be notified about; aging buckets, public records, collections, etc.
- Members can subscribe to the Account Monitor Service (AMS) by submitting specific criteria to NACM Commercial Services.
- Members can receive email notifications and log into the NTCR website to view their custom list.