Nov 15, 2018
Republished from the CFDD National Newsletter
Having served on both my local NACM Affiliate Board and CFDD Chapter’s Board, you might think I would have a unique perspective on both organizations, but actually, there are quite a few CFDD Portland Chapter members, past and current, that have served on both boards. We have a uniquely wonderful relationship here in the Pacific Northwest between CFDD Portland Chapter and our local NACM Affiliate – NACM Commercial Services. We support each other. Our local affiliate handles the Portland Chapter’s billing and sends out our monthly newsletter. Five of their staff are members of CFDD and we have an NACM liaison at all our monthly education meetings. When we hold a credit retreat, we work with NACM on scheduling, so that they do not offer a class on the same day as our retreat. We also have CFDD members on NACM Commercial Services Board and the NACM NW Foundation Board.
NACM’s sell services; credit reports, collections, industry groups, education and they support professional designations. CFDD encourages your professional development by supporting professional designations, offering programs that support continuing education and support both through scholarships, conferences, retreats, and networking. Your CFDD membership is loaded with benefits. We both help credit professionals meet challenges by offering programs, conferences, and scholarships to support continuing education. NACM and CFDD have synergy; by cooperation, we produce a combined effect greater than the sum of our separate effects.
I’m so thankful to be a part of an NACM local affiliate and CFDD Chapter that works together. We really do have common goals. The more you grow in your credit career through professional development, the more you understand and appreciate the services that NACM offers that will help you and your employer.
By supporting each other we can help both organizations thrive. I think this is one of the reasons NACM Commercial Services and the CFDD Portland Chapter are one of the largest in the nation.
We are Better Together!
Submitted by
Yvonne Prinslow, CCE
CFDD Area Director
Join CFDD Portland
For information about membership in CFDD’s Portland Chapter, call Yvonne Prinslow, New Membership Chairman
503-203-6495 or email:
What is a CFDD chapter?
A Credit & Financial Development Division (CFDD) chapter is a group of credit professionals seeking to learn, network, and share experiences with colleagues. CFDD members also are members of NACM.
CFDD’s Purpose
CFDD aims to encourage participation in the NACM and its Affiliates. CFDD encourages professional development and continued education for chapter members. CFDD has enabled many members to achieve distinction and earn high executive positions in their companies. Membership in CFDD is loaded with benefits and opportunities and provides broadening influences inherent in a national business association.
CFDD Portland Meetings
The Portland Chapter of the Credit and Financial Development Division of NACM holds monthly educational meetings and offers numerous scholarships to credit professionals in our community.