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May 17, 2018

We are pleased to share that Eve Sahnow, CCE has been awarded both the NACM National and Commercial Services 2018 CCE Designation of Excellence award. We applaud her energy and efforts on behalf of the organization and her personal educational achievements. Eve will be acknowledged at the Credit Congress in Phoenix in front of her peers. She was also acknowledged at the NACM Commercial Services Annual Meeting.

Eve has been a member of NACM since 2011 and it didn’t take her long to become very active in our Affiliate. She has a very positive, enthusiastic attitude and steps up freely to help others.

In Eve’s position as the Corporate Credit Manager at Orepac Building Products, she manages a centralized credit department with 11 branches operating in 9 states. She is responsible to train and mentor her staff of six in AR/Credit/Collections administration. She handles all aspects of credit management to include underwriting, UCC proficiency, and merchant services. Eve achieved and maintains the highest overall department health score (account aging, DSO, and bad debt) in their company history while lowering departmental overhead costs and increasing sales.

Eve makes sure her company and employees are very involved and supportive of NACM. They regularly attend member activities and functions, are a member of the Building Materials Group, utilize credit reporting & collection services, and contributor their AR data file to the NTCR database. Eve is very well respected amongst her peers.

Eve is a member of CFDD Portland and is often heard encouraging folks to get their certification. She is a firm believer of education and volunteered to coach others. She co-lead the Certification Roadmap sessions for members in 2017, holding four classes. Eve is now registered to do the same in 2018. She has been known to individually walk members through the roadmap if they are unable to attend one of these sessions. This year Eve is entering into a mentorship program with Rod Wheeland, CCE where she will eventually be instructing the CAP/ACAP courses for the affiliate.

On a personal level, Eve is involved in helping organize a Food Drive every year during the Thanksgiving Holiday. She realizes the importance of giving back to her community.

Eve is personally involved in many aspects of NACM Commercial Services. She currently holds a Director position on the NACM Commercial Services’ Board of Directors for the term of 2017-2020. She also volunteered to represent the Board on the 401K Committee for NACM Commercial Services and its staff.

NACM Commercial Services feels very fortunate to have a member with her kind of spirit and leadership.


From: Eve

This prestigious award recognition is a tremendous honor and is dedicated to the NACM network of commanding and selfless individuals that have helped me (and countless others) achieve professional certification. Among many benefits, obtaining the CCE designation has significantly contributed to focused and enhanced decision making and confidence in my abilities to achieve greater success and satisfaction in my job as a valued credit professional.  I have also become keenly aware of the vast resources, both in literature and expert connections, available through the NACM network at the local and national level.

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