May 21, 2020

CEO Message:
As we adapt to new ways of accomplishing our daily jobs, one can’t help but miss the interactions taken for granted just a few short months ago. We continue to miss all our in-person meetings, as there is nothing that replaces building a relationship with someone in a face-to-face environment. I’ve been amazed at the resiliency of the NACMCS staff and how they adjusted to the quick change without missing a beat in customer service. We are fortunate to have an outstanding team working to support NACM member companies.
With all that’s happened in our lives over the past couple of months, it makes 2019 seem so long ago! We missed our annual meeting opportunities this spring, so in replace, I’ll provide a short recap of the organization’s performance in written form. 2019 year-end financial statements are posted to the member portal on our website and available for member review. Our auditors, Hoffman Stewart Schmidt, PC, once again awarded a clean opinion for the company. The organization enjoyed nice growth in 2019, as San Diego Wholesale Credit joined forces with NACMCS and collectively we ended the year with a 24% growth in revenues. As a combined entity we expanded our geographical footprint for all credit services resulting in a profitable year for the organization. NACMCS is servicing the greater parts of nine states west of the Rockies with 60+ industry groups, credit analytical solutions, and collection support. Our growth in membership and coverage proved to be a good decision for the members and overall organization.
We are fortunate to have solid leadership from the following members serving on the NACMCS Board of Directors for 2020/2021. If you find the opportunity, please welcome and thank the following members for their strong service to your credit organization:

The 2020 calendar year comes with a bit of uncertainty in how businesses will come out of the current COVID crisis. However, we are encouraged to see credit professionals being proactive seeking solutions to best monitor their portfolios. If you haven’t looked into services available and member-only resources to help you manage the current environment, please take some time to contact NACM and we’ll gladly give you options to consider. I urge you to use your credit network in times like these. We look forward to working with our member companies for the remainder of 2020. Stay Cautious & Safe!
Jennifer L. Walsh, CCE
Chief Executive Officer

Board Chairman:
As your Board Chairman for the 2019-20 Board fiscal year, I want to extend my sincere thanks to Jennifer Walsh, the NACM Staff, and the Board of Directors for an exceptionally busy and productive fiscal year. This year saw the acquisition of the San Diego affiliate which encompasses, San Diego County, Colorado, a good portion of New Mexico and Wyoming, and has completed a few years of mergers and acquisitions for the NACM Board and NACM Commercial Services as it has expanded its footprint across the Western United States. We have welcomed the opportunity to serve such a diverse and growing region, and it is due to Jennifer’s leadership and the diligence of the NACM Commercial Services staff, we have succeeded in this challenge.
Meeting these challenges resulted in a very financially productive and growth-oriented baseline for NACM Commercial Services now and into the future. As we deal with the present COVID-19 issues NACM Commercial Services is poised to continue our growth and footprint to all members and to the new areas by providing exceptional service and value to credit professionals. Thanks again for allowing me the opportunity to Chair and be a part of this fine organization.
I am pleased to pass the gavel to Tawnya Marsh who will serve as Chair for the NACM Commercial Services Board for 2020-2021.
Mark Balstad
2019-2020 Board Chairman

Incoming Board Chair:
I am honored to be your NACM Commercial Services chair for the 2020/2021 year but saddened that we could not all meet face to face this year. We have definitely seen some changes over the last few years and I hope to continue to support the NACMCS staff as we navigate through the next year. These last few months have brought some extreme changes to the way that we all do business and view the normal day-to-day. As we work to rebuild structure and normalcy from the COVID19 pandemic, please know that NACMCS is here to help in any way we can.
With the additional territories acquired in 2019 and the thrust into technology we have all faced, there are many opportunities moving forward. From shared recourses in educational offerings and Industry group growth, to improvements in data sharing. I am excited to see what the next year brings and I look forward to seeing you all face-to-face in 2021. Hang in there, stay safe, and take care.
Tawnya Marsh, CCE
2020/2021 Board Chair