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Nov 21, 2019

The foundation has had an amazing year fund-raising for scholarships. In September we had the 2019 NACM Commercial Services Golf scramble held at the beautiful Coeur d’ Alene Resort Golf Course in Idaho. At this event between raffles, baskets, sponsors we were able to raise $3528 for scholarships. This is a yearly event so look for details on the next one coming in 2020.

Just last month we had the Western Credit Conference and we had an amazing time. As you may have seen we have been raffling off a trip to Mexico this past year and pulled the winner at the conference. We also had a collection of raffle baskets. In addition, the hotel gave us a commission on each hotel room and signature drink purchased at the hotel. So in total from all of these things we raised $7218.

None of this would be possible without the amazing foundation board, our members who donate and sponsor at these events and those of you who buy tickets and attend our events. So thank you, everyone, for your participation.

Don’t forget to apply for scholarships for classes in 2020. In this newsletter, you will find photos from both these events and information on 2020 upcoming education classes.

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