Posted by & filed under Business Credit Journal, Foundation, President's Message.

Jul 11, 2017

2017 Annual Meeting (FY2016)

The NACM Northwest Foundation held its annual meeting on June 20, 2017, as required by law. Scholarships awarded in 2016 totaled $8,337 and the fund balance ended the year at $49,461. The Foundation recently received IRS approval to incorporate the Spokane based scholarship funds into the Foundation making any future donations a tax advantage to the members. Fund balances will remain segregated for scholarships in their respective areas of service. Financials are available on the website.

Upcoming Foundation Events

September 15: Golf Outing – Coeur d’Alene Resort, Idaho

October 7: BBQ & Bluegrass Event – Langdon Farms, Portland, OR

Retirement on Foundation Board

It was bittersweet news for the Foundation to hear Mike Bena would retire from the Secretary/Treasurer position on the Board. Mike included the following message in his annual report to the Foundation:

As one of the founders of the Foundation, I am proud to have been involved at the beginning back in 1996. We were granted 501(c)3 status and incorporated on January 1, 1997.  When we changed to a member foundation, I was proud to become a charter member on January 16, 2003. John Peel, Marjorie Dyrnes, and myself were the first three to submit our lifetime membership checks. Having served on the Board and also as Secretary/Treasurer for too many years to count has been a privilege.  I thank you for having the opportunity to serve.

Having served on the NACM Oregon Board of Directors and rising to the position of Chair in 1997, working as the Controller of NACM Oregon for 6 years, and my time on the Foundation Board has provided me with numerous opportunities and friendships. I attended the Graduate School of Credit and Financial Management at Dartmouth in 1998 and 1999 with the help of the Foundation. That training, my CCE certification, numerous NACM Oregon classes, and Credit Congress attendance were significant elements of my professional career. My success in the credit field was due to these and also to the support I received from each of you. For that, you have my eternal gratitude. 

Last fall, I made a private commitment to our Chair, Rick Weisman, that my wife, Karen and I would fund $2,500 to help support our next Graduate School Scholarship recipient. This commitment has been fulfilled. In addition, I want to make the Foundation aware of an upcoming change in my will, to donate $10,000 immediately upon my passing, to be used in any manner that the Board sees fit, concurrent with the mission of the Foundation. I owe so much to NACM Northwest and the NACM Northwest Foundation, for scholarships, for training, for leadership skills learned, and for the opportunity to serve. 

May you have fair winds, and following seas. Life is short, treasure each day as a precious gift.

Michael A. Bena, CCE (Retired)

Secretary/Treasurer, NACM Northwest Foundation

Mike and his wife, Karen, have several upcoming travel trips planned as they fully embrace retired life. Mike’s long time dedication to his career and the Foundation are commendable and represent his strong commitment to the business credit profession.  

From the Foundation members and Board, we thank you. Mike, for your unwavering support to NACM and the Foundation.

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