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Jul 19, 2016

The NACM Northwest Foundation has a new Board of Directors and newly elected Officers.


Current Foundation Officers and Directors

  1. Richard S. Weisman, CCE, Chairman (Graybar Electric Co., Inc.)
  2. Marilyn Rea, CCE, Vice Chairman (Pacific Architectural Wood Products, Inc.)
  3. Michael Bena, CCE, Secretary-Treasurer (retired)
  4. Shawna Arneson, Director (Keen, Inc.)
  5. Jeffrey Butterfield, CCE/RGCP, Director (Pacific Seafood Co., Inc.)
  6. Bonnie Dunham, CCE, Director (S.R. Smith, LLC)
  7. Shannon Garrison-Bell, CICP Director (Urban Airship, Inc.)
  8. Kathy Hamilton, CCE, Director (SAIF Corporation)
  9. Lori Kimball, CBF, Director (Norpac Foods, Inc.)
  10. Yvonne Prinslow, CCE, Director (Hampton Affiliates)
  11. Erik VanDerWolf, Director (Tarr, LLC)

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